Our services and prices are below, any other requests just send us an email!
Our Services
This is a requirement for all patients to join the practice. This appointment includes a full assessment of the feet including neurovascular assessments and a full medical history will be taken. Doppler ( to check blood flow through feet) and Kardia ( to detect Atrial fibrillation, Bradycardia and Tachycardia) machines may be used. Treatment plan and initial podiatry treatment are included. Some patients present with short term conditions that can be treated in one session, other conditions will need follow up appointments.
This is available for any patient after the initial new patient appointment and will treat the foot care needs of the individual including a nail trim, hard skin and corn removal, application of moisturising cream with mini foot massage. It is recommended that the patient brings a clean pair of socks with them to wear home.
The feet are checked annually or sooner if needed, this is included for Diabetics in their routine Podiatry appointment. It includes skin assessment, vascular and neurovascular checks including the use of a Doppler.
This method of treating verrucas uses an almost pain free product. It consists of verruca hard skin removal and application of Verrutop. This usually needs up to 6 treatments .
Laser therapy uses selected wavelengths of light to enhance and speed up the body’s natural healing ability. This can be used to treat painful musculoskeletal conditions such as Plantar fasciitis, speed up wound healing, reduce swelling, cure fungal nails and verrucas. Patient will be assessed and a treatment plan discussed. All laser treatment requires a course of treatment. This is a safe and non-invasive treatment.
A sample of nail and skin from under the nail is collected and tested for fungus. The results are either emailed or communicated via phone call within 14 days.
This is an aesthetic treatment to cover damaged or unsightly nails. A resin is applied to the nail that gives the appearance of a natural nail and cured. It lasts for about 6 weeks. This is perfect if you feel self- conscious about your toe nails. This can be a one- off treatment for a special occasion such as a holiday or a wedding or repeated throughout the year. At the initial assessment the patient will be assessed to ensure the medical history and toe nails are suitable. The procedure will be fully explained. Toe nails are reduced ready for the procedure and an anti- fungal product is applied if fungal infection is present. After one week the toe nail reconstruction appointment will be carried out. At this appointment a resin will be skilfully applied to the toenails, shaped and cured with UVA light. Socks and shoes can be worn immediately after the procedure so there is no need to bring flip flops. The reconstructed nails will look and feel similar to a natural nail and can be left natural or painted by the patient with ordinary nail polish. If using nail polish we recommend only using acetone free nail polish remover. In order to keep the underlying toe nails in good condition the patient must agree to return to the clinic to have the nail reconstruction professionally and painlessly removed by the Podiatrist.
This consists of skin and nail oil applied to the feet followed by a warm layer of single use wax. Feet are covered in a liner followed by warm booties and patient is left to relax for 10 minutes, the wax is then gently removed and feet are massaged with emollient cream. This is beneficial for those with very dry skin, achy joints , poor circulation such as feet prone to chilblains or purely for a foot treat.
The patient’s gait will be assessed. Shorts or loose trousers that roll above the knee will need to be worn. A treatment plan will be devised which usually consists of an exercise plan and sometimes taping, footwear changes and/or orthotics (insoles).
Orthotics: From £45
Gel Heel Pads for Plantar Fasciitis: From £12
Silicone Moulded Toe Prop: £7
Silicone Moulded Toe Wedge: £4
Sports Taping (With Routine Appointment): £10
Nail Surgery (By arrangement): Price on application
GP or other referral letter: £10
Contact us.
Have a question about a treatment or want to book an appointment? Please fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively call us on 07398 405747